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Where are the terms added by me?

I can see only the first page. And I can't find all the other terms, added by me or translated by me.
  • 분야/도메인: 전체
  • 카테고리:
  • Created: 06:40, 5 January 2012

답변 (1)


Hi Lianna, To see all the words you have added, you have to go on your personal page and click on the "Terms" button, at the top right of the page (in the scoring tab) I hope it will answer your question ;)

23:59, 8 January 2012


Thanks for the reply Fracois. I did as you say, but couldn't see the second and the rest pages... But now thanks to administration, the problem's solved.

02:20, 9 January 2012

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